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Genealogy Research Basics

National Personnel Records Ctr

The National Personnel Records Center, Military Personnel Records (NPRC-MPR) is the repository of millions of military personnel, health, and medical records of discharged and deceased veterans of all services during the 20th century from World War I to the present. Requests should be made using Form 180 available at All requests must be in writing, signed and mailed to the address shown below.

National Personnel Records Center
1 Archives Drive
St. Louis, Missouri 63138

Military records prior to World War I should be ordered from the National Archives in Washington, DC using NATF Form 86, which is available at the following site

Virgil White Military Abstracts


Genealogist Virgil D. White specializes in abstracting war records for 18th and 19th century American conflicts.  The Local History Room at May Memorial Library owns the following sets of his abstracts:


American Revolutionary War

 CLICK HERE for a list of Local Revolutionary War Pensioners from the Pension List of 1835                           


War of the Regulation


The Regulator rebellion was a colonial tax revolt in which backcountry farmers from this area fought the colonial militia.  It culminated in the Battle of Alamance which was fought here in this county on May 16, 1771 and involved an estimated 3,000 combatants.  The Regulator rebellion is considered important historically as a precursor to the American Revolution.   There is a state historic site within Alamance County on the site of the former battleground.  The following books contains information about the Regulators:





Breaking Loose Together: the Regulator Movement in Pre-Revolutionary North Carolina by Marjoleine Kars

Farming Dissenters:  the Regulator Movement in Piedmont North Carolina by Carole W. Troxler

The Regulators in North Carolina: Documentary History 1759-1776 by William S. Powell

Some Neglected History of North Carolina by William E. Fitch

War of the Regulation and the Battle of Alamance by William S. Powell