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Book Club Kits: Take Me With You

Alamance County Public Libraries offer Book Club Kits for check out to area book clubs. Each kit contains 10 copies of a book and a reading guide.

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Alamance County Public Libraries

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Book Summary

August Shroeder, a burned-out teacher, has been sober since his nineteen-year-old son died. Every year he’s spent the summer on the road, but making it to Yellowstone this year means everything. The plan had been to travel there with his son, but now August is making the trip with Philip’s ashes instead. An unexpected twist of fate lands August with two extra passengers for his journey, two half-orphans with nowhere else to go.

What none of them could have known was how transformative both the trip—and the bonds that develop between them—would prove, driving each to create a new destiny together.

Discussion Questions

1. What was your first impression of this book? Did your opinion of the book change as you read it? How?


2. What were the main themes of the book? Do you feel they were realistically explored? Were they brought to life in a cliche or in a unique manner?


3. What did you think of the structure and style of the writing?


4. What scene was the most pivotal for the book? How do you think the story would have changed had that scene not taken place?


5. What scene resonated most with you personally in either a positive or negative way? Why?


6. What surprised you the most about the book?


7. Were there any particular quotes that stood out to you? Why?


8. Did any of the characters remind you of yourself or someone you know? How?


9. What is motivating the actions of the main characters in the story? August? Wes? Seth & Henry?


10. What were the dynamics of "power" between the characters? How did that play a factor in their interactions?


11. How does the way the characters see themselves, differ from how others see them? How do you see the various characters?


12. If you could smack any of the characters upside the head, who would it be and why?


13. Were there any moments where you disagreed with the choices of any of the characters? What would you have done differently?


14. What past influences are shaping the actions of the characters in the story?


15. Did you think the ending was appropriate? How would you have liked to have seen the ending go?


16. What do you think will happen next to the main characters?


17. Have you read any other books by this author? How did they compare to this one?


18. What did you learn from, take away from, or get out of this book?