
Book Club Kits: Home

Alamance County Public Libraries offer Book Club Kits for check out to area book clubs. Each kit contains 10 copies of a book and a reading guide.

Check Availability

Click the card catalog to search for available book club kits in KitKeeper.

Alamance County Public Libraries

Alamance County Public Libraries provide free and open access to lifelong learning, resources for everyday living, and reading for pleasure in a welcoming environment.  Our collections, services and programs enhance the quality of life for individuals, families, and communities. Contact the Library webmaster.

Alamance County Public Libraries operates as a Department of Alamance County Government.  Visit the Alamance County Website at www.alamance-nc.com.

Book Club Kits

Requesting a Kit

Reserve book club kits for your book group up to a year in advance through KitKeeper.

Book Club Kit Categories

Borrowing Policy

  • Any patron of ACPL may borrow a Book Club Kit.

  • Requests for kits may be made through KitKeeper, a library staff member or by phone by calling your local library branch. You can reserve a title, but remember kits are first come first serve!

  • The bag will be checked out on the library card of the person picking up the bag. That person is completely responsible for the bag and all of its contents.

  • The kit checks out for 6 weeks and cannot be renewed. No more than 2 kits can be borrowed at one time by a patron.

  • Everything must be returned at the same time to any library branch. Please do not have book club members return their own books to the library.

  • Please check the contents before returning the kit. The replacement cost of an entire kit is $150. Replacement costs for individual parts will depend on the cost of each particular item.

Book Club Kits FAQ

Q: One of my group members forgot to return their book. Who is responsible?
A: The person who checks out the Book Club Kit is completely responsible for the return of the bag and all of its contents.

Q: I can't remember what was in my bag when I got it. How do I know what to check for before returning it?
A: Each Book Club Kit has a contents sheet included with the discussions questions that lists what's included in each kit. Check this sheet to make sure the kit's contents are in the bag before returning it to the library. If items are missing from the kit when returned, the kit will not be checked in, and may accrue fines until all missing parts are returned.

Q: Can my group members return their own books to the library?
A: No, the Book Club Kit must be returned with all the copies of the book at the same time.

Q: What if a book is lost?
A: If your group loses a book, you will be charged the replacement cost for the book.

Q: May I place a hold on a Book Club Kit?
A: Yes, the Kit can be reserved through KitKeeper. See KitKeeper instructions here.

Q: What if my group has more than 10 members?
A: Check the ACPL catalog to request more copies of a title as needed.

Q: Someone in my group prefers large print books. How can I help them?
A: Use the ACPL catalog to request the title in a different format: large print, playaway, book on CD, or even a movie version. (Note: not all Book Club Kit titles will be available in other formats.)

Q: Can my book club suggest titles for the program?
A: Contact any library branch to let them know your ideas. Or donate copies of titles your group has purchased so another group could borrow them!



Have a question? Want to suggest a book for a future kit? Need to report a broken link? 

Please let us know here.


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