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Book Club Kits: Free Baseball

Alamance County Public Libraries offer Book Club Kits for check out to area book clubs. Each kit contains 10 copies of a book and a reading guide.

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Sue Corbett

About Sue Corbett

Sue Corbett grew up in New York, the daughter of Irish immigrants. After attending Fairfield University and the University of Missouri Graduate School of Journalism, she began a career as a reporter, first at television stations in Missouri, South Carolina, and Florida; then as a writer at the Miami Herald. Since 1996, she’s been the Herald’s children’s book reviewer. She is also a regular contributor to Publishers Weekly and People magazines.

She is married to Tom Davidson, a digital-media executive. They couple has two brass players, Conor, 15, and Liam, 13, and a violinist, Brigit, 10. The family also enjoys the company (most of the time) of their dog, a talking beagle named Louie.


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Book Summary

Felix knows his dad was a famous baseball player in Cuba and that his father risked everything to send Felix to America. But his mom won't reveal anything else. When a baseball team with Cuban players comes to town, Felix wonders if they knew his dad and sneaks into their locker room to ask. That's when the players mistake him for their new batboy. Determined to uncover the truth about his mysterious father, Felix plays along, going as far as running away from home to become the team's batboy. His bittersweet adventure glows with the friendship of a miraculous dog, the warmth of a mother's love, and the magic of baseball.

Discussion Questions

  1. How does Felix get tickets to the Egret’s opening game? Why does he end up with a babysitter? Would you still want to go with a sitter? Why or why not?


  1. How does Felix think his life would be different if he could be with his father? Do you think he’s right about this? Why or why not?


  1. Describe what happens during the Egret’s game? Do you blame the babysitter or her friends? Why? What would you have done in the same situation?


  1. Why does Felix think he may die at one point? How dangerous a move was this? What do you think his mother will say if she finds out? What does it remind him of?


  1. Describe how many Cubans get to America. Why are they willing to risk their lives for this 90 mile journey across the sea? Would you? What is the policy of America? Do they allow immigrants to come in? Why or why not?


  1. Felix complains about his baseball team, The Tigers. He says they are “really about fun first, baseball second” (p.58). Is this a good way for kids’ teams to be? Why is Felix so serious about baseball?


  1. Why does Felix wonder, “How long would I have to be away to get her [his mother’s] attention… One day wouldn’t do it. How about one week?” (p. 66). Why is she so busy?


  1. How does Felix end up the temporary batboy for The Miracles? What small lies does he have to tell for this to work? Do small lies add up to big ones as Felix is afraid of? To whom does he lie?


  1. What prank do the players play on Felix? How does he turn it around on them? What does this tell you about him? Have you ever had this kind of prank done to you?


  1. Who is Don? What is his job? Why is this so unusual? Don tells Felix, “The way I think is, you can’t miss something you’ve never had” (p.104). Felix disagrees though. Why? What does he miss?


  1. Who is Vic? How does he help Felix during his time there? What does he learn about Vic’s life? How did Vic figure out that Felix was not from West Lauderdale?


  1. In the end, what does Felix learn about his father? What happens to the batboy position? Do you consider it a happy ending? Why or why not?


Interview With the Author

What was your initial inspiration for creating this book?

I took my oldest son, Conor, to a Florida Marlins game a few years ago. It was "Jersey Night." Every kid under 12 got a teal blue team shirt upon entering. After the game, these same kids were invited to do the "Diamond Dash," which meant they were allowed to run around the bases once, pretending they had just hit home runs. I dropped Conor off on the first base side of the field and the usher instructed me to go to the third base side to pick him up. I scurried over there, but when I looked down at the infield to watch him run, I couldn't pick him out. Every kid was wearing the same teal blue shirt! I worried aloud about this to the woman standing next to me who was also trying to figure out which ambulatory munchkin belonged to her and she said, "Boy, if a kid wanted to run away, this would be a good time to do it."

And, I swear, it was like being struck by lightning. Felix Piloto (his first name was one of the very first things he told me) whispered in my ear at that very moment. He told me he was running away. He was beyond angry at his mother, who never had time for him anymore, and he needed to find somebody who would tell him more about his absent father - why, in particular, his father the star baseball player, was still stuck in Cuba, and when, specifically, he would finally be coming to America.

And when I did find Conor we did the Diamond Dash to the car where I always keep a reporter's notebook, and I quickly scribbled down everything Felix had told me.

What was the timeline from spark to publication, and what were the major events along the way?

The first draft of this story came quickly -- it was only about 100 pages and I wrote it in a few months. But I revised it twice, with excruciatingly long periods of waiting in between each revision letter. We're talking years.

What were the challenges (literary, research, psychological, logistical) in bringing it to life?

My first book hewed so closely to my autobiography that the biggest challenge for me in this one was trying to write authentically from outside my culture without feeling like I was appropriating somebody else's story.

As it turned out, however, a lot of Felix's mother's concerns are my concerns, too, and a lot of the first-generation experience is similar no matter which country your parents hail from. This is generalizing, but I have met the children of immigrants from many different countries and there's almost always this refrain about the pressure to excel, to prove we belong here, and to make it economically - to take advantage of having been among the lucky who landed inside the American dream.

Tucked within Free Baseball is also this gushy valentine to my husband, Tom, because the ballpark and team that Felix runs away to is based on a real place and team. There was a team called The Miracle (they are now based in Fort Myers, FL) that, in the 1990s, had lost its major league affiliation and played in this crummy little stadium in Pompano Beach, Florida. This stadium is pretty much where our entire courtship took place, since we both loved baseball, and loved minor league baseball most of all.

Of course, the book is also dedicated to Mike Veeck, who owns the Miracle, and anybody who knows him knows that, like Vic Mench, the general manager of the Miracle in Free Baseball, Mike, too, had a very famous baseball dad. (However, Mike's wife is alive and well!) Homer is also based on a real dog. You can see a photo of that darling pooch on my website,

You're also the author of one of my other favorite books, 12 Again (Dutton, 2002).Could you briefly tell readers a bit about that novel and how you transitioned from one project to another?

Did you know that 12 Again (Dutton, 2002) is in its seventh hardcover printing? This book is like The Little Engine That Could. I think it must be you, telling people how much you like it, who is fueling sales.

12 Again is a very different book, a very indulgent book, if you will, since I never thought it would be published and I wrote it as an exercise in sanity when I had three children, including a newborn, and had just moved to Virginia from Florida when Tom got transferred.

It was my way of thinking about the choices we make and whether we would choose differently if we got a "let," as they say in tennis (at least they say that a lot when I am serving.) It's hard for me to believe how many kids have told me they love this book since the professional criticism there was of it was that it had more appeal for grownups than middle readers. But maybe kids like walking in Bernadette's shoes as she realizes how much her sons mean to her and how empty her life would be without them. Maybe every kid knows -- or hopes -- that's the way their sometimes difficult mother feels about them.

Plus, there's the magical bunny.

Sometimes you wear another hat, that of children's book reviewer. How do your roles as author and reviewer inform one another?

As I tell school groups, you simply cannot be a writer if you are not a reader.

By this yardstick, I ought to be the world's best writer but . . . alas. So I keep reading, hoping that one day I will get it, the words, and the story, and the emotion will all click into place and something truly wonderful and powerful will emanate from my keyboard.

Meanwhile, I have read many worthy and great books, the privilege for which I am actually paid. Really, I have a magical job.

I also tell the school kids, "I lie on the couch and read and I am paid to do that," and I have to pinch myself sometimes to remind myself that is actually true. It is a fabulous gig.