Jumping Genres
Book club for children in grades 3-5. The club will meet monthly for book discussions, games, and activities. Miss Emery chooses a book and then we meet to explore these new and exciting books together.
May Memorial Library
1st Thursday @ 4:30 p.m.
Join us for Jumping Genres and discover a whole new world of literature.
Call 336-229-3588 for more information. Or Email elai@alamancelibraries.org
Alamance County Public Libraries provide free and open access to lifelong learning, resources for everyday living, and reading for pleasure in a welcoming environment. Our collections, services and programs enhance the quality of life for individuals, families, and communities. Contact the Library webmaster.
Alamance County Public Libraries operates as a Department of Alamance County Government. Visit the Alamance County Website at www.alamance-nc.com.