NC Department of the Secretary of State - Forms and instructions for incorporating your nonprofit in North Carolina
The Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro - The Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro supports and promotes the NC Triad. It includes a link to The Alamance Foundation that encourages charitable activities in Alamance Co.
North Carolina Network of Grantmakers - Membership organization created to provide networking opportunities and news for the NC philanthropic community
NC Center for Nonprofits - Network of 1500 nonprofits in NC with advice for nonprofits and a yellow pages directory
Philanthropy Journal - Recent news of NC nonprofits & more
IRS Tax Information for Charitable Organizations - Federal tax information for nonprofits
BBB Wise Giving Alliance - Annual reports on national charitable organizations from the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance. This site is similar to
Association of Fundraising Professionals - Website of the Association of Fundraising Professionals including a directory of professional consultants
NC Triad Chapter, Association of Fundraising Professionals - Website of the chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals that serves the North Carolina Triad area. - Central storehouse for information on over 1,000 grant programs and provides access to approximately $400 billion in annual awards.
How to Start a Non-Profit in North Carolina - North Carolina Nonprofit Startup Guide